Democrats Did The Opposite Of ‘Lower The Temperature’ Between Trump Assassination...

Former President Donald Trump survived yet another assassination attempt on Sunday when a man allegedly armed with a scoped “AK-47-style rifle” aimed at the Republican from...

Republican Men, Women & Children Were Stalked, Robbed & In Some...

In the evening hours after the “Million MAGA March” to support President Trump in Washington, DC Saturday, leftist Antifa and Black Lives Matter-marked groups...

Massive Turnout For ‘Million MAGA March’ In Washington, DC Saturday

Tens of thousands took to the streets for the “Million MAGA March” surrounding the Supreme Court in Washington D.C. Saturday to support President Trump...

Operation Warp Speed Vaccine Doses Expected In December

The White House’s Operation Warp Speed chief, Dr. Moncef Slaaoui, who is leading the Trump administration’s efforts to expedite vaccine development for the novel...

Pennsylvania Mail-In Ballot Is A Perfect Case For The U.S. Supreme...

The Supreme Court will likely weigh in on Pennsylvania’s handling of mail-in ballots, and despite the pundits' claims to the contrary, serious constitutional issues...

Trump Supporters Under Attack By The Totalitarian Left

By trying to name and shame Trump supporters, the ‘Trump Accountability Project’ betrays a preference for Soviet-style retribution over a commitment to basic decency. If...

NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo Vows To Block COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution, Says...

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo publicly rejected the Trump Administration’s efforts to move forward implementing a COVID-19 vaccine, vowing to work with other governors...

Yes, There Was Election Fraud. The Question Is How Much?

Was the fraud just at the fringes? Or was there fraud on the rampant scale former Illinois governor and convicted corruption connoisseur Rod Blagojevich...

CNN, Media Lavish Praise On Fox News’s Neil Cavuto For Cutting...

Journalists at CNN and other mainstream media outlets praised Fox News’s Neil Cavuto for cutting off White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany during her...

Detroit Poll Challenger Witnessed Election Workers Counting Ballots For ‘Non-eligible’ Voters,...

An affidavit from a Republican poll challenger in Detroit, Michigan confirms there may be voter fraud in the state. Former Michigan Assistant Attorney General Zachary...

After Crying About Trump For Four Years, Russia Hoaxer Jake Tapper...

CNN’s Jake Tapper has some thoughts on accepting the results of a presidential election. “I truly sympathize with those dealing with losing — it’s not...

Biden And Harris Declare Victory In Race For The Presidency

Despite pending litigation and election results in states around the nation, former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) addressed a crowd...

Saturday’s Media Declaration Is A Naked Attempt To Silence Republicans, And...

Nothing has changed since Friday night. You might find that strange, given the media stampede to certify the election results for their man, but it’s...

First-Hand Account Of Election Fraud In Detroit: ‘They Did Not Want...

Earlier this week, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson denounced the lawsuit filed by President Trump’s campaign as “frivolous,” designed to spread “misinformation” and...

Software Glitch In Michigan County Tallied 6,000 Republican Votes As Democrat

A glitch in software used to tabulate ballots in Antrim County, Michigan caused at least 6,000 Republican votes to be counted as Democrat, according...

Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution

Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, several Electors, equal to the whole...

Explosive New Flynn Documents Show FBI Goal Was To ‘Get Him...

Handwritten notes from the FBI that had been withheld from Michael Flynn and his defense team show that the FBI's goal in investigating and...

Who Wrote This Pro-Communist China Article? CNN Or Xi Jinping?

This kind of false information from CNN demonstrates the U.S. mainstream media cannot be trusted so long as it continues to do the bidding...

Christopher Steele Testifies Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice Knew About Anti-Trump Research

On March 17 and 18, Christopher Steele testified in a British court where he revealed both 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and former...

Although Never Officially Shut Down, South Dakota Governor Unveils ‘Back To...

South Dakota Republican Gov. Kristi Noem unveiled her state’s “Back to Normal” plan Tuesday, outlining steps she is encouraging her citizens to take without...

Some Governors Are Getting Serious About The Cost Of Coronavirus Lockdowns....

As the spread of COVID-19 begins to slow nationwide, some governors are proving to be more serious than others about what comes next. As the...

Dear Nancy Pelosi, You Don’t Need To Pay $13 A Pint...

Bad optics and lacking leadership during this time of crisis aside, someone needs to tell the House speaker there are better, cheaper options to...

Pentagon Preparing Navy Hospital Ships Mercy, Comfort for Coronavirus Response

This post has been updated with statements from Secretary of Defense Mark Esper. The Pentagon is starting the process of activating Navy hospital ships USNS Mercy (T-AH-19)...

Trump Defends Calling Wuhan Virus ‘Chinese Virus’

"I have to call it where it came from. It did come from China, so I think it's a very accurate term." On...

The Latest On COVID-19 Suggests Most Of Us Will Be Fine

Mounting evidence suggests that if you don’t smoke or aren’t 70 or older or have underlying health conditions, you’ll be fine—although you can spread...

Biden Calls Trump Racist For Stating The Fact That Wuhan Virus...

Democratic presidential frontrunner Joe Biden complained Thursday about President Donald Trump calling the Wuhan coronavirus “a foreign virus” in Wednesday’s Oval Office address. “Labeling COVID-19...

Why CNN’s Normalizing Of A White Nationalist Matters

It's transparent partisan attempt to smear Republican voters. In 2016, a bunch of real-life white supremacists—not just Republicans who happen to disagree with the Democrats’...

New York Times Admits Obama Admin Deployed Multiple Spies Against Trump...

The New York Times admitted on Thursday that the Obama administration deployed multiple spies against the Trump campaign in 2016, confirming recent comments by...

Reason Democrats Hate Bill Barr

The day of Attorney General Bill Barr’s testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee this week, there was, as always, a selective leak dropped into...

DOJ Reviewing Whether Steele Dossier Was Russian Disinformation

At a Wednesday hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Attorney General William Barr said his department is reviewing whether the discredited Steele dossier is evidence of...

5 Times The Mueller Probe Broke Prosecutorial Rules That Ensure Justice

There are rules against using the power and authority of a prosecutor to smear a defendant without giving him his day in court. CNN recently published an...

Show Of Hands If The U.S. Media Are The Clowns In...

The mainstream media convinced a large portion of the American public that their elected president was illegitimate, playing straight into Vladimir Putin's hands. For the...

7 Glaring Omissions In The Mueller Report That Kill Its Credibility

Robert Mueller’s special counsel was presented to the American public as unimpeachable. From its beginning, a distinct minority in politics and media, including several...

Democratic Presidential Primary Is An Arms Race In Crazy

When asked at a CNN town hall this week if he believed that incarcerated felons should be allowed to vote, socialist presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders responded:...

Will Trump’s Finest Speech Save His Presidency?

A chastened president gave a great speech last night. But will it be enough?  Donald Trump had promised a State of the Union address that...

Why Democrats Can’t Talk Honestly About Abortion

Democrats will protect American children from the evils of trans fats and gay conversion therapy, but not from doctors who will kill them through...

Amid Blackface KKK Photo And Infanticide Scandals, 50 Percent Of Democrats...

Amid two major national controversies, Ralph Northam has retained most of his support among Virginia's Democratic voters, according to a new poll.  Amid two major...

The Washington Post Displays Glaring Double Standard When Reporting Sexual Assault...

The Post's standards seem to change based on whether or not the alleged perpetrator is a Democrat or a Republican. This is bad for...

Ilhan Omar Deletes Tweet Smearing Covington High Schoolers, But Her Anti-Semitic...

That Minnesota Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar has left her anti-Semitic comments online while feigning remorse and deleting others is telling. Since entering Congress this month,...

The Bigotry At The Heart Of The Covington Affair Belongs To...

After days of outrage and condemnations, the Covington affair has revealed disturbing bigotry among far too many media figures and outlets on the left.  At...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is Setting Women Back Light Years In Politics

She doesn't deserve to be lauded as millennials' feminist icon. Her incompetence with numbers and jumbled facts validate every negative stereotype women have been...

Pelosi Just Cancelled The State Of The Union Over The Border...

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she has cancelled the president’s state of the union address until the government is re-opened. After rejecting invitations earlier...

Why Businesses Should Support The Trump Administration’s Pushback Against China

When Chinese President Xi Jinping’s autocracy asks Western companies to jump, the response is usually, ‘How high?’ What should Western companies do when...

New York Times Reveals FBI Retaliated Against Trump For Comey Firing

A Friday expose from the New York Times reveals that the FBI investigation of Trump for alleged treason was little more than retaliation against...

Disputes Over Taiwan, Trade, And Space Will Define U.S. Relationship With...

In 2019, Sino-U.S. relations will be defined by the trade war, potential reunification with Taiwan, and the escalation of the new space race. Which country...

Gov. DeSantis Announces Independent Investigation Into Second Trump Assassination Attempt

Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Florida will conduct an independent investigation into an assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump in the state on Sunday. “The...

N.Y. Gov. Cuomo Denies Science Again: “None Of What He Said...

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo recently denied Trump’s comments about the newly developed COVID-19 vaccine from Pfizer — claimed to be 90 percent effective — once again affirming...