The White House’s Operation Warp Speed chief, Dr. Moncef Slaaoui, who is leading the Trump administration’s efforts to expedite vaccine development for the novel Wuhan coronavirus, said Friday that 20 million doses would be distributed in December. On Monday, pharmaceutical...
Nothing has changed since Friday night. You might find that strange, given the media stampede to certify the election results for their man, but it’s crucial. The calls made Saturday morning are as arbitrary as they were last Tuesday, could...
In the evening hours after the “Million MAGA March” to support President Trump in Washington, DC Saturday, leftist Antifa and Black Lives Matter-marked groups assaulted Trump supporters in the streets. Early in the day, a large crowd of BLM-Antifa counter-protesters...
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo recently denied Trump’s comments about the newly developed COVID-19 vaccine from Pfizer — claimed to be 90 percent effective — once again affirming his denial in the science surrounding COVID-19. During an Operation Warp Speed update on Friday, President...
I can’t believe they even tried it. On Saturday morning Minnesota officials came out with an audacious and absurd explanation for the looting and arson that struck Minneapolis this week. Apparently it was white supremacists from out of state...
CNN’s Jake Tapper has some thoughts on accepting the results of a presidential election. “I truly sympathize with those dealing with losing — it’s not easy — but at a certain point one has to think not only about what’s...
Despite pending litigation and election results in states around the nation, former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) addressed a crowd on Saturday night, declaring their presidential victory and thanking the American people for their votes. “I’m...
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