In an undercover video, campaign staffers working for Democratic candidate Phil Bredesen said he would have voted against Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court if he were elected to the U.S. Senate. The video, released by Project Veritas...
Handwritten notes from the FBI that had been withheld from Michael Flynn and his defense team show that the FBI's goal in investigating and ambushing Flynn was 'to get him fired.' New documents filed under seal last week by the...
The Boy Scouts of America announced a historic change on Wednesday: they will now encourage little girls to learn life lessons from little boys and men by admitting girls to Cub Scouts. Because, feminism, of course! “The record of...
Christine Blasey Ford, who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her at a drunken high school party sometime in the 1980s, has made several conflicting statements about the number of people she says were present at...
The most compelling moment of Kanye West’s Oval Office meeting with President Trump made no headlines. As their conversation drew to a close, a reporter asked Trump whether solving the problems that plague Chicago was a “law enforcement issue” or...
Liberals are losing it over Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court. Here are 14 of the most insane reactions. 1. This Woman Who Can’t Drive Because She’s Blind With Rage 2. Sen. Diane Feinstein Who Thinks America Is Done 3. The...
Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, several Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: ...
"I have to call it where it came from. It did come from China, so I think it's a very accurate term." On Wednesday, President Donald Trump defended calling the Wuhan virus a “Chinese Virus” during a White...
What we know about the new allegation leveled last night against Brett Kavanaugh in a New Yorker report by Ronan Farrow and Jane Mayer doesn’t amount to much. In a familiar sounding scenario, we have a woman, Deborah Ramirez, accusing...
The rubber is about to meet the road for Senate Republicans. They have a simple choice: they can vote to confirm Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, thereby ending the baseless and unsubstantiated Democrat- and media-fueled smear campaign against him,...
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