Los Angeles and Austin, Texas have now joined the list of liberal-run cities that have eradicated Columbus Day from their calendars and replaced it with “Indigenous Peoples’ Day.” In LA, the desire to dis the European discoverer was so...
Date: February 15, 2017, Author: Sargon0  The faux-moral outrage of the Wall Street Journal cost PewDiePie millions of dollars over some jokes while smearing him as an anti-Semite. Video https://youtu.be/dC5LyaCdpEI
LIBS FLIP AFTER TRUMP REPORTEDLY TELLS DEMS: “POCAHONTAS IS NOW THE FACE OF YOUR PARTY” FEBRUARY 11, 2017   Anger and rage appear to be the emotions of choice for liberals after CNN accused President Trump of declaring, “Pocahontas is now the...
In the wake of the 2008 election, Democrats had won the presidency. They held 59 Senate seats and a 76-person majority in congress. There was a talk of a permanent Democratic majority, and the GOP appeared to be in...
Everyone is wrong in this Milo Yiannopoulos story. Every last person and organization and company is wrong. You may be tangentially aware of this, or only paying attention to it to the degree it crowds your social feeds, but...
We’re barely into the new Trump administration, yet have already seen what leading voices in journalism and elite culture are saying about him. You’ve seen coverage and commentary, either directly or by implication, imaging President Trump as incompetent, sinister,...
A few weeks ago, Donald Trump responded to Meryl Streep’s insults by calling her overrated. Some fact checks came out saying that Streep, in fact, had won many awards. The Associated Press’ “Meryl Streep overrated? Donald Trump picks a...
Robert Mueller’s special counsel was presented to the American public as unimpeachable. From its beginning, a distinct minority in politics and media, including several Federalist writers, were skeptical, citing the special counsel’s past prosecutorial abuses, the past alleged misconduct of its pivotal investigators,...

A Revolutionary Idea

“Revolution.” It’s a term thrown around a lot, revolutionary, it simply means “new or innovative, a complete, radical change, or outside of standard practice”; so when someone invents a new type of camera, lightbulb, or phone, and this invention is actually, genuinely new...
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