Nothing has changed since Friday night. You might find that strange, given the media stampede to certify the election results for their man, but it’s crucial. The calls made Saturday morning are as arbitrary as they were last Tuesday, could...
A glitch in software used to tabulate ballots in Antrim County, Michigan caused at least 6,000 Republican votes to be counted as Democrat, according to Michigan GOP Chairwoman Laura Cox. The miscalculation, Cox said in a press conference, was first...
Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, several Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: ...
I can’t believe they even tried it. On Saturday morning Minnesota officials came out with an audacious and absurd explanation for the looting and arson that struck Minneapolis this week. Apparently it was white supremacists from out of state...
Handwritten notes from the FBI that had been withheld from Michael Flynn and his defense team show that the FBI's goal in investigating and ambushing Flynn was 'to get him fired.' New documents filed under seal last week by the...
This kind of false information from CNN demonstrates the U.S. mainstream media cannot be trusted so long as it continues to do the bidding of the Communist Party of China. While the world runs damage control on a global pandemic...
On March 17 and 18, Christopher Steele testified in a British court where he revealed both 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and former National Security Adviser Susan Rice knew about his anti-Trump dossier research. According to a transcript obtained...
"I have to call it where it came from. It did come from China, so I think it's a very accurate term." On Wednesday, President Donald Trump defended calling the Wuhan virus a “Chinese Virus” during a White...
Democratic presidential frontrunner Joe Biden complained Thursday about President Donald Trump calling the Wuhan coronavirus “a foreign virus” in Wednesday’s Oval Office address. “Labeling COVID-19 a foreign virus does not displace the accountability for the misjudgments that have taken place...
It's transparent partisan attempt to smear Republican voters. In 2016, a bunch of real-life white supremacists—not just Republicans who happen to disagree with the Democrats’ preferred immigration policy—put together a conferencein Washington, D.C., to attract attention. All kinds of major news...
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