The term "illegal alien" or "illegal immigrant" had been used to describe those who came to the US without permission and proceeded to establish residence without authorization. Since around 2000, however, many news sources at the behest of immigrant...
The White House’s Operation Warp Speed chief, Dr. Moncef Slaaoui, who is leading the Trump administration’s efforts to expedite vaccine development for the novel Wuhan coronavirus, said Friday that 20 million doses would be distributed in December. On Monday, pharmaceutical...
After President Trump authorized airstrikes in Syria, lawmakers and some pundits questioned his authority or said he needed congressional approval. Some misunderstood the War Power Resolution, others ignored Article II of the Constitution, and others turned it political by...
Democrats will protect American children from the evils of trans fats and gay conversion therapy, but not from doctors who will kill them through negligent homicide in the first few hours of their lives. This is the ugly reality...
By a 68-23 margin, the Senate decided we haven’t spilled enough blood, broken enough soldiers, or spent enough money on Afghanistan.  The U.S. Senate cannot agree on anything. They are so mired in partisan gridlock, a resolution declaring the sky...
Los Angeles and Austin, Texas have now joined the list of liberal-run cities that have eradicated Columbus Day from their calendars and replaced it with “Indigenous Peoples’ Day.” In LA, the desire to dis the European discoverer was so...
This post has been updated with statements from Secretary of Defense Mark Esper. The Pentagon is starting the process of activating Navy hospital ships USNS Mercy (T-AH-19) and USNS Comfort (T-AH-20) as part of the Defense Department’s domestic response to the spreading COVID-19 virus,...
In the wake of the 2008 election, Democrats had won the presidency. They held 59 Senate seats and a 76-person majority in congress. There was a talk of a permanent Democratic majority, and the GOP appeared to be in...
The court ruling refutes Planned Parenthood’s own talking points about how the CMP videos were “highly edited." The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the state of Texas can strip taxpayer subsidies from Planned Parenthood, primarily based on evidence...
Despite pending litigation and election results in states around the nation, former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) addressed a crowd on Saturday night, declaring their presidential victory and thanking the American people for their votes. “I’m...
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