Robert Mueller’s special counsel was presented to the American public as unimpeachable. From its beginning, a distinct minority in politics and media, including several Federalist writers, were skeptical, citing the special counsel’s past prosecutorial abuses, the past alleged misconduct of its pivotal investigators,...
When asked at a CNN town hall this week if he believed that incarcerated felons should be allowed to vote, socialist presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders responded: “This is a democracy and we have got to expand that democracy, and I believe...
MANILA, Philippines – While people swooned over Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during his visit, many still called him out for his government’s inaction on his country's garbage illegally shipped to the Philippines starting 2013. Trudeau was in the country earlier this...
A chastened president gave a great speech last night. But will it be enough?  Donald Trump had promised a State of the Union address that could bring the country together. Did he deliver one? It’s hard to say. His address...
With a veneer of impartiality, fact-checkers engage in a uniquely dishonest style of partisanship. If media wants to challenge the context and politics of Republican arguments, that’s their prerogative. There are plenty of legitimately misleading statement’s worthy of fact-checkers’ attention....
Democrats will protect American children from the evils of trans fats and gay conversion therapy, but not from doctors who will kill them through negligent homicide in the first few hours of their lives. This is the ugly reality...
Amid two major national controversies, Ralph Northam has retained most of his support among Virginia's Democratic voters, according to a new poll.  Amid two major national controversies, Gov. Ralph Northam, D-Va., has retained most of his support among the state’s...
The Post's standards seem to change based on whether or not the alleged perpetrator is a Democrat or a Republican. This is bad for us all.  It is now apparent that The Washington Post’s standard for reporting on cases of...
By a 68-23 margin, the Senate decided we haven’t spilled enough blood, broken enough soldiers, or spent enough money on Afghanistan.  The U.S. Senate cannot agree on anything. They are so mired in partisan gridlock, a resolution declaring the sky...
That Minnesota Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar has left her anti-Semitic comments online while feigning remorse and deleting others is telling. Since entering Congress this month, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has found herself indamage control mode over her record of anti-Semitism. Yesterday,...
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