The Supreme Court will likely weigh in on Pennsylvania’s handling of mail-in ballots, and despite the pundits' claims to the contrary, serious constitutional issues are at stake. An exclusive interview establishes the Pennsylvania vote has major constitutional problems. Joe Kantz,...
Few things can upstage Peyton Manning in the NFL. But as we’ve repeatedly seen this season, a growing cultural divide of our national politics continues to overshadow our national pastime, and it did again on Sunday. Vice President Mike Pence...
With a veneer of impartiality, fact-checkers engage in a uniquely dishonest style of partisanship. If media wants to challenge the context and politics of Republican arguments, that’s their prerogative. There are plenty of legitimately misleading statement’s worthy of fact-checkers’ attention....
U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley slammed the United Nations on Tuesday for pushing an investigation into the measures Israel took to secure its border during violent clashes with Hamas-backed insurgents earlier this week. After she concluded her speech, she walked...
A new CNN poll finds that around two-thirds of Americans want a special prosecutor to investigate contacts between Russians and the Donald Trump campaign, and 55 percent are “somewhat concerned” by reports that the president’s associates had contact with “suspected Russian...
Robert Mueller’s special counsel was presented to the American public as unimpeachable. From its beginning, a distinct minority in politics and media, including several Federalist writers, were skeptical, citing the special counsel’s past prosecutorial abuses, the past alleged misconduct of its pivotal investigators,...
On Thursday night the United States struck air bases in Syria with cruise missiles. This was done in retaliation for the use of chemical weapons against Syrian citizens. Observers have noticed that President Donald Trump’s decision to attack Syria is...
The rubber is about to meet the road for Senate Republicans. They have a simple choice: they can vote to confirm Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, thereby ending the baseless and unsubstantiated Democrat- and media-fueled smear campaign against him,...
The New York Times admitted on Thursday that the Obama administration deployed multiple spies against the Trump campaign in 2016, confirming recent comments by Attorney General William Barr that 'spying did occur' during the campaign. Following months of angry claims...
Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed to serve as a justice on the Supreme Court of the United States with a vote of 50-48 on Saturday. After weeks of a brutal fight and an FBI investigation into allegations of sexual assault made...
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