Democrats will protect American children from the evils of trans fats and gay conversion therapy, but not from doctors who will kill them through negligent homicide in the first few hours of their lives. This is the ugly reality...
The Post's standards seem to change based on whether or not the alleged perpetrator is a Democrat or a Republican. This is bad for us all.  It is now apparent that The Washington Post’s standard for reporting on cases of...
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have left themselves no fallback position. And that's why they will lose.  Compromise. It’s a word President Trump used several times yesterday. He is open to compromise. In this case, that means something...
With a veneer of impartiality, fact-checkers engage in a uniquely dishonest style of partisanship. If media wants to challenge the context and politics of Republican arguments, that’s their prerogative. There are plenty of legitimately misleading statement’s worthy of fact-checkers’ attention....
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