House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she has cancelled the president’s state of the union address until the government is re-opened. After rejecting invitations earlier in the week from the White House to negotiate on funding for border security, Pelosi...
How do the media handle dramatic updates that counter their narrative? This week, text messages sent by Peter Strzok, a chief investigator of the Clinton and Russia collusion probes, were released to Congress. In investigating Donald Trump’s alleged collusion...
The executive order did not change regulations on its own. Instead, it instructed cabinet departments to propose changes to rules. On Thursday morning, President Trump signed an Executive Order regarding health care and health insurance. Here’s what you need to know...
A Friday expose from the New York Times reveals that the FBI investigation of Trump for alleged treason was little more than retaliation against the president for lawfully firing an incompetent and ethically challenged FBI director. In a Friday night...
At 2 a.m. Saturday morning, America, democracy, and all the “poor” people died, at least to hear the media and liberals tell it. In reality, the Senate barreled toward passing one of the most significant tax reforms in three...
The Democrats' theme for the evening was 'facts, not fear.' Many major media also adopted the same theme. A humanitarian and security crisis at the southern border must be addressed, President Donald Trump told the country last night in his first Oval Office...
The United States opened an embassy to Jerusalem today at the order of President Trump, who finally fulfilled a promise former presidents made for decades. “We will move the American embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem,”...
Other than the president himself, perhaps no public figure is more debated and discussed these days than Special Counsel Robert Mueller. On the Right, former Speaker Newt Gingrich has called him “the tip of the deep state spear aimed...
In the evening hours after the “Million MAGA March” to support President Trump in Washington, DC Saturday, leftist Antifa and Black Lives Matter-marked groups assaulted Trump supporters in the streets. Early in the day, a large crowd of BLM-Antifa counter-protesters...
An ex-boyfriend of Brett Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford told Senate investigators he witnessed her coach a friend on how to take a polygraph, contradicting her sworn testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week. In a sworn statement provided to...
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